On this page you will find my transcripts of deeds and wills.
Please click the links below to jump to the appropriate document. Where available, links to online documents are also provided.
Medlicott to Medlicott and others 1776
Grevois and Medlicott Marriage Settlement 1797
Medlicott to Medlicott and others 1801
Woods and Bourns Marriage Settlement 1807
Tomlinson and Berry Marriage Settlement 1837
Transcript Book 310, p 459, No 207302
- To the Reg[istra]r App[ointe]d by Act of Parliament for regi[ste]ri[n]g of Deeds Willis Conve[veyance]s
- & so forth A Mem[oria]l of an indented deed of release bearing date of the third day of
- July in the year one thous[an]d seven hund[re]d and seventy six & made between
- Theob[ol]d Medlicott of Moortown in the Co of Kildare Gent[lema]n Ex[ecuto]r of John Medlictott
- late of Cherryville in the same Co Gent[leman] Marg[are]t Medlicott Widow of the s[ai]d
- John Medlicott. John Medlicott of the City of Dublin Woolen Draper & Dorcas
- his wife the only Daughter of the said John Medlicott dec[ease]d & Edw[ar]d Medlicott
- of Drummury in the Co of Kildare Esq[ui]r[e] of the one part & James Medlicott
- of the City of Dublin Gent[leman] only son and heir of the said John Medlicott dec[ease]d
- of the other part whereby the said Theob[ol]d Medlicott Marg[are]t Medlicott John
- Medlicott and Dorcas his wife Edw[ar]d Medlicott did grant bargain sell assign
- release and confirm unto the said James Medlicott all that those the house
- and Land of Cherryville o[ther]wise Killballinere with their Appur[tence]s sit lying &
- being in the Co of Kildare and the Rev[]n & rev[]ns Rem[]r & rem[]r rents presseces & profits
- of all the estate Right Title Int[eres]t benefit of of Ann[]l Equity of Red[]n prop. claim
- and dem[]d of them the said Theob[ol]d Medlictt Marg[are]t Medlicott John Medlicott
- & Dorcas his wife Edw[ar]d Medlicott to hold unto the said James Medlicott his heirs
- assigns from the day next before the day of the date thereof for and during the lives ment[ione]d
- in the lease make thereof by Step[hen]n Rice of Mountrice in the co of Kildare Esq[ui]r[e] to the
- said John Medlicto dec[ease]d for & during such other life or lives as heed or might for ever
- thereafter be added or incerted to the time and term of the said lease by virtue of the fac[]t
- therein cont[]d for that purpose which said inded[entur]e of lease as to the protect[io]n thereof by the s[ai]d
- Marg[are]t Medlicott John Medlicott Dorcas his wife & James Medlicott by this mem[oria]l by the s[ai]d John Medlicott
- are witnessed by Rich[ar]d Morgan of the City of Dublin Gent & John Johnson of the same city
- Gent . John Medlicott (seal) signed and sealed in the pres[enc]e of Rich[ar]d Morgan John Johnston
- John Medlycott Dorcas his wife and Jam[e]s Medlicott duly Executed the Ind[entur]e of Release of w[hi]ch
- the above writ[in]g is a mem[oria]l and saw the said John Medlicott sign and seal the said
- Mem[oria]l and he this Dep[]e is a s[ub]scribi[n]g witness to the said Inden[tur]e and mem[oria]l & that the dsme
- Rich[ar]d Morgan thereto resp[ectful]y sub[cribe]d in writing to the s[ai]d Inden[tur]e & mem[oria]l & that the same
- deliv[ere]d the same to M[iste]r Dep[uty] Reg[istrar] on the 26th July 1776 at or near twelve of the
- clock at noon. Rich[ar]d Morgan Sworn before me the 26th day of July 1776
Transcript Book 506, p 358, No 331191
- To the Reg[istra]r app[ointe]d by act of Act of Parl[iamen]t for Reg[isterin]g Deeds leases and so forth
- A mem[oria]l of indent[e]d articles of marriage bear[in]g date the twenty eight day of
- July one thous[an]d seven hund[re]d and ninety seven and made between Charles
- Grevois Esq[ui[r[e] Captain in the Regim[en]t called the New Romney Fencibles or the Duke
- of Yorks own light Dragoons of the first part and Margaret Medlicott Spinster Eldest
- Daughter of John Medlicott late of Moortown in the Co. of Kildare Esq[ui]r[e] deceased
- of the second part Dorcas Medlicott of Moortown afores[ai]d widow of the s[ai]d John
- Medlicott and Guardian of Catherine Medlicott minor of thirteen years of
- age or thereabo[ut]s on behalf of the s[ai]d Catherine Medlicott of third part and the
- Rev[eren]d Edw[ar]d Richardson of Moortown afores[ai]d Clerk and Cha[rle]s Bournes of Smock
- Alley in the City of Dublin Esq[ui[r[e] E[xe]c[utor]s and Trustees of the last will and
- testament of the s[ai]d John Medlicott of the fourth part Recit[in]g that the s[ai]d John Medlicott
- by his s[ai]dwill dated the tenth October one thous[an]d seven hund[re]d and eighyy nine de
- vised his int[eres]t in the lands of Moortown afors[ai]d subject to the payment of certain annui
- ties therein ment[ione]d and his interest in the lands of Middle park in the Co of Wexford
- together with all the Rest Residue and Remainder of his time and effects freehold
- and Chattle to his s[ai]d Exec[utor]s Adm[inistrator]s Edw[ar]d Richardson and Cha[rle]s Bourns in Trust
- for the use and benefit of his children s[ai]d Margaret and Catherine and sev[]d
- their uses and trusts therein Ment[ione]d to be managed by his E[xe]c[uto]rs and to be finally
- distribute and between his s[ai]d children when the youngest should attain the
- age of twenty one years and direct[e]d that if either of s[ai]d children should marry
- after the age of twenty one years before any gen[era]l distribution of the property should
- be made his s[ai]d E[xe]c[uto]rs or Surviver of them should calculate what sum might
- be coming to such child and hand over same in money or effects to the child so
- Marrying and also Recit[in]g that the s[ai]d Margaret Medlictot both attained her
- age of twenty one years and that a marriage is intend[e]d to be had between the s[ai]d
- Cha[rle]s Greives and said Margaret Medlicott and that it is the desire and intention
- of s[ai]d Cha[rle]s Greives that all property of what nature or kind so ever to which s[ai]d Marg[are]t
- Medlicott now is or may hereafter be intitled to under the will of her s[ai]d father should
- be vest[e]d in trust for the Sole use Benefit and disposal of her the s[ai]d Marg[are]t and
- further recit[in]g that the s[ai]d Marg[are]t Medlicott for herself her heirs E[xe]c[uto]rs adm[inistrator]s and
- af[ore]s[ai]d did Cov[enan]t and agree to and with the s[ai]d Edw[ar]d Richardson and Cha[rle]s Bourns their
- heirs E[xe]c[uto]rs Adm[inistrato]rs that all property Claim or demand which she now has or may
- hereafter have under the will of he s[ai]d father shall remain vest[e]d in s[ai]d Rich[ar]ds[on] and
- Cha[rle]s Bourns and the survivor of them his heir E[xe]c[uto]rs Adm[inistrato]rs In Trust for s[ai]d
- Marg[are]t dur[in]g her life to Receive free from the Intercourse of s[ai]d Cha[rle]s Greives or any
- of her husband she may have the Issues and profits of the property thereby vest[e]d
- her receipt only be a sufficient discharge for same and that the s[ai]d Cha[rle]s Greves
- doth only Consent and agree thereto and doth forever renounce and disclaim all
Page 2
- property or Claim he shall or may have therein in Right of his hiev[]d intended wife
- s[ai]d Marg[are]t Medlicott with other cov[enan]ts and agreements to therein ment[ione]d which s[ai]d deed and
- mem[oria]l are Witnessed by James Bourns of ____ GenLand Jane Digby of the City of Dublin
- Spinster. Cha[rle]s Greives (Seal) Signed and Sealed in the presence of Jane Digby James
- Bourns – The above named James Bourn maketh oath the he saw the above named
- Cha[rle]s Greives duly seal and execute the deed whereof the above mem[orial] and also
- saw the s[ai]d Cha[rle]s Greives duly sign and seal this mem[oria]l and that this Deputy is
- a Sub[ribin]g witness to the s[ai]d Deed and mem[oria]l and deliv[ere]d the same to W[illia]m Moore Esq[ui]r[e]
- Dep[uty] Reg[istra]r on the 8 day of August one thous[an]d seven hund[re]d and ninety seven at or
- near One of the Clock in the afternoon. Ja[me]s Bourns – Sworn before me the 8 day
- Day of August 1797. William Moore Deputy Registrar
Transcript Book 538, p 188, No 356897
- To the Reg[istra]r appointed by Act of Parliament for Reg[isterin]g dees & so forth A mem[oria]l of a Indented
- deed of af[foresai]d. bearing date the 26 day of Oct[obe]r 1801 made between the Revd Edw[ar]d Richardson then of
- Long Melford in the Kingdom of Great Britain Cl[er]ke and Ch[arle]s Bourns of the City of Dublin Merchant Exec[ut]ors
- of the last will & Testament of John Medlicott late of Mooretown in the co of Kildare Esq[ui]r[e] dec[ease]d of the
- first part Dorcas Medlicot of Long Melford in the K[ingdo]m of Great Britain Widow of the said John
- Medlicott & Ch[arle]s Grevois and Marg[are]t Grevois first Medlicot his wife & Cath Medlicot spinster
- which Marg][are]t & Cath are the only children of the same John Medlicot of the second and Edward
- Medlicot of the City of Dublin Esq[ui]r[e] of the third part whereby after reciting as therein The s[ai]d Edw[ar]d
- Richardson and Ch[arle]s Bourns for the consents & agreements therein & in first consign of the sum of
- £274-19-6 s to them paid by the s[ai]d Edw[ar]d Medlicott have granted sold af[orsai]d transferred
- and made over unto the s[ai]d Edw[ar]d Medlicot his Exec[utor]s domains ass[ign]s all that & those the house &
- garden lately inhab[ite]d by the Widow Hyland called the Archdecons Castle in the Town & Co. of Kildare
- af[oresai]d all that house & croft then in the poss[essio]n of Nich[ola]s Cosgrove sit near the Curragh in the s[ai]d Co. Kildare
- the lands near the Curragh af[oresai] in the s[ai]d Co. Kildare called the Arcdeacons Lands cont[ainin]g ten acres or
- thereab[ou]ts be the same more or less then or late in the poss[essio]n of the said John Medlicott of his und[ertenan]ts
- Also all that house mess[uag]e or tenem[ant]t wherein Rob[er]t Garde formerly lived in Kildare known by the name
- of the George on horseback two stables a backside Garden thereunto belonging. House or Cabbin next
- adj[oinin]g with the George with the Garden plot wherein W[illia]m Lalor undertenant to the said Rob[ert]t Garde
- then dwelt all which s[ai]d prem[ise]s did belong to the s[ai]d Rob[er]t Gard by virtue of lease from Tho[ma]s
- formerly Lord Bishop of Kildare sit & being in Gaterelylaure Street near the west Gate of Kildare
- within the Town & Cour[oratio]n of Kildare the whole premises cont[ainin]g about three roods of ground plan[tation]n measure
- and also all that & those the lands called the lands of Brigesky cont[ainin]g six acres be the same more or
- less sit lying & being in the Corp[oratio]n of Kildare af[oresai]d & also all that house sit in Kildare late in the poss[essio]n
- of the said John Medlicott dec[ease]d & formerly set unto Edm[und]d Mooney nearing & bounding on the south to that
- Street of Kildare on the East to the Duke of Leinsbob houses then in the poss[essio]n of Ch[arle]s Talbot Taylor
- on the west with the holding late in the poss[essio]n of the s[ai]d John Medlicott com[mon]ly called & known by the
- name of McEvoys holding tog[ethe]r with the garden to the north adj[oinin]g said house and also one other garden
- or plot then late in the poss[essio]n of the s[ai]d John Medlicott & formerly set to Edm[un]d Mooney measuring on the west
- to the church yard on the south & east to the s[ai]d John Medlicots holding& on the north to Pat Tordy
- holding & one other plot or garden plot late in the poss[essio]n of the s[ai]d Edm[un]d Mooney or his und[dertenan]ts measuring
- on the west to a back road leading from the Great Street of Kildare to the fire Castle on the
- east to the holding formerly in the poss[essio]n of Tho[ma]s Kelly Merch[an]t belonging to the Chancellor of Kildare
- on the south to the Archdeacons holding and on the north to the back road leading to the Church Yard
- wall af[oresai]d And also all that back house yard & garden plot with such other houses as erected on the
- said Ground sit in Kildare late in the poss[essio]n of Edm[un]d Mooney or his und[dertenan]ts and also all the house
- Stitila? Garden plot or backside the out house known by the sign of the Black Bull in the Town and
- County of Kildare and all & sing[ula]r the profits commons commo[] advantages & app[]s to the assigns belong[in]g
- then in the poss[essio]n of the Widow Reunsfort & also all & sing[]r the Lands & Tenen[eman]ts cont[ainin]g by Estm[atio]n 76 acres
- two roods & two p[erch]s of Irish plan[tatio]n measure to be same more or less as des[]d neared & bounded in the
- Survey or map thereof dem[ise]d to the lease thereof Com[on]ly known by the names of Grerteen Kalloughknock
- & Glanbrattas lying and being in the borders of the plan com[mon]ly called the Curragh of Kildare in the Co and
- Diocese of Kildare af[oresai]d all which the therein & herein des[cribed]d prem[ise] are sit lying & being in the Town and
- Corp[oratio]n of Kildare & Co. of Kildare af[oresai]d tog[ethe]r with the app[]s. To hold the said Tenem[an]t Lands Houses and
- ground af[oresai]d with their app[]d with the s[ai]d Edw[ard]d Medlicott his Exec domains & ass[ign]s for & during all the rest
- & residue of the terms unexpired of the said leases of the s[ai]d premises therein partly so forth & recited. In trust to
- and for the use for the only proper use & behoof of Elenor Bourns and Ann Bourns their Exc[ut]ors adm[inistrat]ors & ass[ign]s & af[oresai]d herein
- named & for such intents & purposes as therein also men[tione]d for no other use intent or purpose what[soever]
- But subject nev[]s to the paym[en]t & poss[]ce of the rents dues duties seo[]t? & Cov[enan]ts in the seo[]l therein recited
- Leases of said seo[]l premises ment[ione]d and ses[]d which s[ai]d deed & this mem[oria]l are with[]d by And[re]w Busk of
- the City of Dublin At[torne]y at law & W[illia]m Parsons Sew. to the s[ai]d Dorcas Medlicott (Richardson Seal)
- Signed and sealed in presence of us by the Rev[eren]d Edw[ar]d Richardson and And[re]w Buch? W[illia]m Parsons. The above
- named and And[re]w Buck maketh and saith that he is a sub[scribin]g witness to & saw the deed of which the foregoing cont[]g
- is a mem[oria]l duly executed by all the parties thereto save Edw[ar]d Medlicott, and also saw the above mem[oria]l
- signed & sealed by the above named Edw[ar]d Richardson, & saith that the name And[re]w Bick sub[cribe]d and
- a witness to the said deed & mem[oria]l is this dept[uty]s name & hand writing and deliv[ere]d s[ai]d deed &
- mem[oria]l to John Griffin Esq[ui]r[e] Dep[uty] Reg[istrar] the 9th day of Oct 1801 at or near ¼ after three o’clock in
- the afternoon And[re]w Buch sworn before me this 9th day of Oct 1801 John Griffin Dep Reg
Transcript Book 576 p 117, No 386248
- To the Reg[istra]r appointed for Reg[isterin]g deeds wills and soforth
- A memorial of an indenture of lease bearing date the 29th day of May 1805 and made between Dorcas Medlicott of Melford
- in the Co of Suffolk and Kingdom of Great Britain Widow of the one part and Richard Wade Doyle of the City of Dublin Esq[ui]r[e] of
- the other part Whereby the s[ai]d Dorcan Medlicott did demise and Set unto the s[ai]d Rich[ar]d Moses Doyle in his actual posses on then being
- by virtue of a bargain and sale for a year therein ment[ione]d and to his heirs all that and those that part of the lands of Mooretown in
- the Co of Kildare late in the possesson of Mark Toomey Esq[ui]r[e] with the house and offices erected and built thereon tog[ethe]r with the Garden
- Orchard Turbery and appartes there unto belonging or in anywise appert[ainin]g cont[ainin]g by Common Estimation 53 acres Irish plant[atio]n measure
- be the same more or less to hold to the s[ai]d Rich[ar]d Wade Doyle his heirs E[xe]cu[to]rs adm[inistrator]s and assigns from the 29th day of September 1803
- for the lives of the s[ai]d Dorcas Medlicot Marg[are]t Greives and Catherine Wright daughters of the s[ai]d Dorcas Medlicott and the surv[ivo]rs &
- surv[ivo]r of them for the term of 31 years which ever af[ore]s[ai]d terms sh[oul]d last longest and under the yearly rent of £113-15 Ster[ling]
- payable quarterly above Taxes which s[ai]d lease Contains the usual Covenants between Landlord and Tenant and will this Memor[ia]l
- is duly Executed by James Medlicott of Dunmurry in the Co of Kildare by virtue of a power of Att[orne]y from the s[ai]d Dorcas Medlicott
- annexed
Page 2
- annexed to s[ai]d lease and s[ai]d lease is also Executed by the s[ai]d Rich[ar]d Wade Doyle and s[ai]d Lease and this Memorial are witnessed by
- Mich[ae]l Ryan of the City of Dublin Att[orne]y at Law and Edw[ar]d Ryan of the Town of Kildare Farmer Dorcas Medlicott [seal] Signed
- and Sealed in presence of us Mich[ae]l Ryan Edw[ar]d Ryan The above named Mich[ae]l Ryan maketh oath that he is a sub[scribin]g witness to
- the orig[ina]l lease of which the above writing is a Memorial and to the above Memorial and deposeth that he saw s[ai]d lease and Memorial
- duly executed by James Medlicott Esq[ui]r[e] therin named by virtue of a power of Att[orne]y from Mrs Dorcas Medlicott the Lessor in
- s[ai]d lease and also by the s[ai]d Rich[ar]d Wade Doyle saith the name Mich[ae] Ryan Sub[scrbe]d as a witness to s[ai]d lease and Memorial is Deponents
- proper name and hand writing and that he deliver[e]d s[ai]d lease and Memorial to John Griffin Esq[ui]r[e] Dep[uty] R[e]g[istra]r in the Reg[istra]rs office in the Castle
- of Dublin on the 8th day of August 1805 at or near one oclock in the afternoon of s[ai]d day Mich[ae]l Ryan Sworn before me this 8th day of
- August 1805 John Griffin Dep[uty] Reg[istra]r
Transcript Book 610, p 174, No 419727
- To the Register appointed by act of parliament
by act of Parliamentfor - Registering Deeds Leases and so forth in Dublin A memorial of articles
- of marriage settlement dated 5th day of December 1807 and made between Edward
- Medlicott of the City of Dublin Esquire of the first part Thomas Woods of Parsonstown in the
- Kings County apothecary of the second part and Elinor Bourns and Ann Bourns of White
- Church in the County of Dublin spinster of the third part Whereby the said Edward Medlicott
- as Trustee to said Elinor Bourns and Ann Bourns for and in Cons[ideration]on of an intended
- marriage there to be had and solemized between the said Thomas Woods and Elinor Bourns
- and also in Cons[iderati]on of Five shillings 6lr to lease in kind paid by the said Thomas Woods did
- Grant Bargain sell assign Transfer and make over unto the said Thomas Woods
- his Ex[ecuto]rs adm[inistrat]ors and assigns the yearly sum of £78-12s or such other sum be it
- more or less as the half of the profit rents arising from all that and those the house and
- Garden lately inhabited by the widow Hyland Called Archdeacons Castle situate
- in the Town and County of Kildare also all that house and Croft formerly in possession
- of Nicholas Cosgrave situate near the Curragh in said County of Kildare also the Lands
- near the Curragh aforesaid called Archdean Lands Containing ten acres or thereabouts
- be the same more or less also all that house messuage or tenemant wherein Robert
- Gard formerly lived in Kildare Known by the sign of George on Horseback with two Stables
- a backside and Garden thereunto belonging also a House or Cabbin next adjoining to the
- George with a Garden plot wherein William Lawlor undertenants to the said Robert
- Gard then dwelt all which s[ai]d premises did belong to said Robert Gard situate
- in Gaterlylaure Street near the west gate of Kildare the whole Cont[ainin]g three Roods
- of Ground plantation measure also that and those the Lands Called
- Brigasky cont[ainin]g six acres be the same more or less situate in the Corporation
Page 2
- of Kildare formerly in the occupation of John Medlicott also all that house situate in Kildare
- formerly sett to Edmund Moony together with the Garden adjoining said house also one
- other garden or Croft formerly set to said Edmond Moony and also one other Croft or Garden
- late in the possession of said Edmond Moony also all that house back yard and Garden
- plot and houses thereon Erected also all the house stables Garden plot on Backside with the
- said house known by the name of the sign of the Blackbull in the town of Kildare aforesaid
- also all the Lands and tenements containing of 6 acres two Roods and two perches called
- Gurteen Kallaghknock aforesaid all which said premises are situate adjoining the Curragh
- in the County of Kildare aforesaid late in the occupation of James Kane and also all the
- Estate right Title and Interest and term of years yet to come and unexpired of
- the said Recited premises with the app[]s to have and to hold such the said with the said
- Thomas Woods his Ex[ecuto]rs admin[istrator]s and assigns for and during all the rest residue and remainder of the terms
- unexpired of said lands and premises as previously mentioned deed subject nevertheless to the payment of
- the rents and performance of the Covenants said deed cont[aine]d and subject to the several uses
- abin?? said deed partly ment[]d which said deed is witnessed by Charles Bourns Jun[]r of
- White Church in the County of Dublin and George Medlicott of Queeen Street in the City
- of Dublin and this memorial is witnessed of the said Charles Bouns and by Edward Nooris
- of Off street in the City of Dublin Edward Medlicott (seal) signed and sealed in the presence of us
- Charles Bourns Jun[io]r Edward Nooris The above named Charles Bourns maketh oath and
- saith that he is a subscribing witness to the Original Deed of which the above writing is a mem[oria]l
- and also to said memorial and said the named Charles Bournes subs[cribe]d as a witness to the said deed
- and this memorial is this Deponents proper name and handwriting are deponent saith he
- declared and deponent saith to John Griffin Esq[ui]r[e] Dep[uty] Reg[istra]r
- in the Kings Lands of Dublin on the 12th day of August 1809 at the hour of 12 oClock at noon
- of said day Charles Bourns J[u]n[io]r Sworn before me the 12th day of August 1809
- John Griffin Dep[uty] Reg[istra]r
Transcript Book 651, p 461, No 450676
- To the Registrar appointed by Act of Parliament for Registry deeds and so forth A mem[ori]al
- of an indenture deed of marriage settlement Bearing date the 3 day of Dec 1812 and made between
- Thomas Woods of Parsonstown in the Kings County apothecary of the 1 part Richard Woods
- Captain in his majesties service of the second part Ann Bourns daughter of Cha[rle]s Bourns
- of White Church in the county of Dublin of the 3 part and the said Charles Bourns
- of the fourth part. Whereby after deciding that by indenture tripartite by date 26 of Octo[be]r
- 1801 and made between the Rev Edward Richardson of Long Melford in the Kingdom of
- Great Britain Clerk and Charles Bourns of the City of Dublin Merchant Esq[uire] of the last will
- and testaments of John Medlicot late of Mourtown in the County of Kildare by Es[quire] Deceased
- of the first part Dorcas Medlicot of Long Melford also widow of said John Medlicot and
- Charles Grevis and Margaret his wife and Catharine Medlicot spinster of the second part
- and Edward Medlicot of the third part. reciting among other things that by lease by date
- 29 day of May 1776 the Rev Robert Stinton demised and let unto said John Medlicot all
- that house and garden then lately inhabited by the widow Hyland called the Archdeacons
- castle situate in the town and county of Kildare and also all that house and croft then
- lately in the possession of Nicholas Cosgrove situate on the Curragh in the said county
- of Kildare also the lands near the Curragh af[ore]s[aid] in the said county of Kildare called the
- Archdeacons land contained 10 acres on this deouts be the same more or less then or
- lately in the possession of the said John Medlicot or his undertenants to hold unto the
- said John Medlicot his heirs and assigns from the 1 day of May then then last past for
- the term of 41 years at the yearly rent of £4s and also reciting that by indenture of lease
- bearing date 3 July 1780 Charles Lord Bishop of Kildare did demise unto said John
- Melicot all that house messuage or tenements where Robert Gard formerly lived in
- Kildare known by the name of George on horseback with two stables or Backsides
- and Gardens then to belonging also a house or Cabbin next adjoining to George
- with a garden plot wherein William Lawler undertenants to the said Robert Gard
- then dwells which said premises did belong to the said Robert Gard by virtue of a lease
- from Thomas Farmaty Lord Bishop of Kildare situate lying and being in Gaterelylaure
- Street near the west gate of Kildare within the town and corporation of Kildare. The
- whole premises containing about 3 loads of grown plantation measure to hold unto
- said John Medlicot his heirs and assigns from the 25 of March then last for 40 years
- at the rent of £.2s together with 6o in the £ recess fees and reciting that by indenture of lease
- bearing date 19 Nov 1702 the Rev Robert King Dean of Saint Bridgetts Kildare did demise
- unto said John Medlicot all that and those the lands called the land of Brefasky Containing
- 6 acres more or less situate lying and being in the Corporation of Kildare then in the occup[ation]
- of said John Melicot to hold from the 25 day of March then last for 21 years at the
- rent of £4s and reciting that by indenture by date 5 July 1796 the Rev[eren]d Dean Blunder
- demised unto said Edward Richardson and Charles Brown [sic] Executors of said John Medlicot
- all that house situate in Kildare formerly occupied by Edmond Moore together with the
- garden adjoining and house and also one other garden croft formerly let to Edmund Moony
- and also one other croft or garden late in the possession of said Edmund Moony to hold from
- 25 March last at the yearly rent of £3s and reciting that by indenture by date 18 Nov 1795
- the reverend Charles Naylor did demise unto said Edward Richardson and Edmund [sic] Bourns
- all that house backyard and garden plots and house therin backed whole from 25 March
- then last for 40 years at the rent of £2-10s and reciting that by indenture bearing date
- 25 of July 1795 the Reverend William Marimsell demised and Edward Richards [sic] and Charles
- Bourns all the house stables garden plot and back side with the out house known only
- by the name of the Black Bull in the Town of Kildare af[ore]s[aid] to hold from the 25 day of March
- then last for 40 years at the rent of £5 and the reciting that by indenture bearing date 12
- May 1796 the Dean and Chaplin of Kildare demised unto said Edward Richardson &
- Charles Bourns all the lands and tenements containing 76 acres 2 roods 2 perch commonly
- called by the names of Gurteen KallaghKnock and Glanbratas Coleen 2 Roods, 2 perches
Page 2
- of the said premises called Garden and KellaghKnock and all which said premises
- are situate adjoining the Curragh and County of Kildare late in the occupation of
- James Kean to hold from the 25 of March then last for 21 years at then rent of £20 with
- 6o in the pound recuvs? fees to hold said recited lands and premises to said Edward Medlicot
- his heirs and assigns for all the rest residue and remainder of the terms unexpired thus in
- trust for said Elenor Bourns and Ann Bourns their heirs and assigns and reciting that by
- indenture by date the 5 Dec 1807 and made between said Edward Medlicot of the first
- part Thomas Woods of the second and said Elenor and Ann Bourn of the third part made
- when they Entermariage of said Elen[or]. Bourns and Thomas Woods said Edward Medlicot for
- the considerations therein mentioned did grant and convey unto said Thomas Woods his
- heirs and assigns the yearly sum or such other sum be it more or less as the half of the
- profit rent then arising out of said lands and premises theirin and herin before particularly
- mentioned and described myhs? amounts to and did also grant bargain and sell all his rights
- with and interest in and to the said lands tenements and premises whole unto said Thomas
- Woods his heirs and assigns for all the rest residue and remainder of the terms unexpired
- of said several leases of said premises subject to the rents and covenants in said leases ment[ioned]
- and contained and reciting that said marriage took effect and all the estate and interest
- of said Edward Medlicot in said Lands and premises have since remained vested in said
- Thomas subject as to one Money thereof for the uses and purposes declared in said deed and
- as to the other Money to the use of said Ann Bourns and reciting that a marriage was
- intended to be had between said Richard Woods and Anne Bourns with the consent of said
- Charles Bourns said deed of which this writing is a memorial witnessed that in cons[equence] of said
- intended marriage and of 10s to said Thomas Woods paid by said Richard Woods and Ann
- Bourns the receipt whereof was thurley acknowledged and in order to make a provition for
- said Ann in case she should survive said Richard Woods he the said Thomas Woods with
- the consent of the said Eliza [sic] Woods and Ann did grant Bargain sell transfer and make
- out unto said Charles Bourns as such Trustee as aforesaid all that and those one undivided
- mainly half part of the rents and profits therein mentioned and described to arise from the
- said recited indentures of lease before mentioned and in the deed of 26 October 1801 also Ment[ione]d
- to hold unto said Cha[rle]s Bourns for and during the full End and Term granted by said recited
- leases then in existence and by renewal that should be obtained thereof subject to the rents
- and charges of sums out of said lands and premises and to the covenants in said leases cont[aine]d
- in trust in the first place to pay the money of said rents and profits after payment of said
- Head? rents as aforesaid to the use of the said Richard Woods and Ann Bourns during their joint
- lives and after the death of either of them to the use of the survivor of them for his or her life
- and to be disposed of in such manner as such survivor should appoint which said deed
- contains covenants or warranty and further assurance and it was thurly covenanted
- and and agreed by and between by and the parties thereto that all and every renewal or renewals
- of the several lands tenements and premises or any of them should be taken and accepted by
- Thomas and William Woods their heirs and assigns to and upon the uses and upon the trusts and
- declared in and by the aforesaid determined on the 5 day of Dec 1807 and for no other use or
- purpose whatever which said deed and this memorial is witnessed by George Wilkinson
- George Medlicott [sic] both of the city of Dublin Thomas Woods [seal] George Wilkinson George
- Meredith the above named George Meredith makes oath and saith that he is a subscribing
- witness to the deed where of the above writing is a memorial and also to the said memorial
- saith he saw said deed and memorial duly executed by the said Thomas Woods party thereto
- saith the name George Meredith sub as ownership to said deed and memorial is this
- ponents? proper name and handwriting and saith he delivered said deed and memorial
- to John Griffon Deputy R[egistra]r on the 11 Day of Dec 1812 at quarter after one in the afternoon
- George Meredith sworn before me the 11 day of Dec 1812 John Griffon D[eputy] R[egistra]r
Transcript Book 12 1837 I 536 , No 130
- To the Register appointed by Act of Parliament for regis-
- Tering for registering deeds wills and so forth & his assistant
- A Memorial of an Indenture of of Marriage Settlement bear-
- Ing date the fourteenth day of June one thousand eight hun-
- Dred and thirty seven and made between Thomas Tomlinson
- Of Ellis[]s Quay in the City of Dublin Esquire of the first part and
- Sophia Berry of Blackhall Street in the s[ai]d city spinster of
- The second part and Marlboro Sterling Berry of Blackhall
- Street aforesaid Esquire brother of said Sophia Berry and the
- Reverend John Henderson Mason of Clanbrassil Place in the
- County of Dublin Clerk Trustees named and appointed by and
- On behalf of the said Sophia Berry and Thomas Tomlinson
- For the purposes in said deed mentioned of the third part whereby
- After reciting amongst other things that a marriage was intended
- To be shortly had and solemnized between the s[ai]d Thomas Tom
- linson and Spohia Berry It is witnessed that for the con-
- sideration therein mentioned she the said Sophia Berry did
- with the puruity? Consent and full approbation of the said Thomas
- Tomlinson her then intended husband grant bargain sell assign
- Transfer and let over unto the s[ai]d Marlboro Sterling Berry the s[ai]d
- Rev[eren]d John Henderson Mason their Executors Admin[istrat]ors & Assigns
- all that those the sum of one thousand and thirty two pounds
- five shillings and two pence government three & one half per
- cent stock (being equivalent in cash to the sum of one thousand
- pounds sterling) theretofore transferred to and then standing in
- the names of the said Marlboro Sterling Berry and the said Rev[eren]d
- John Henderson Mason upon trust to the sole, separate and
- Only use and behoof of the said Sophia Berry until the intended
Page 2
- Marriage should be duly solemnized and from and immed-
- diately after the solemnization thereof upon ?? that they the
- said Marlboro Sterling Berry and the said Reverend John Hender-
- son Mason should and would permit & suffer the said Sophia Berry
- to receive and take the Interest dividend and proceeds of the s[ai]d
- Government three and one half per cent stock equivalent to
- The said sum of one thousand pounds when and as often as
- The same should become due and payable to her sole and sepa-
- rate useand behoof during the term of her natural life without
- being in any manner subject to the debts of her then intended husband
- the s[ai]d Thomas Tomlinson but without power to here to assign antici-
- pate the accruing sales of the interest dividends or proceeds of
- said Government three and one half per cent stock and in said
- now memorialsizing indenture of settlement are contained seve-
- ral other contingent uses paid trusts therin particularly set
- forth the execution of which said indenture of marriage set-
- tlement of which this is a memorial and this memorial by the
- s[ai]d Sophia Berry and Thomas Tomlinson is witnessed by Tho[ma]s
- Berry of Tullamore in the Kings County Esqurie and by Oli-
- ver Anselm Tibeaudo of number thirteen York Street in the
- City of Dublin Gentleman Solicitor. Thomas Tomlinson (seal)
- Signed and sealed in the presence of Thomas Berry Oliver Anselm
- Tibeaudo. The above named Oliver Anselm Tibeaudo
- Maketh oath and saith that he is a subscribing witness to
- The deed of marriage settlement of which the above writing
- Is a memorial and also to the above memorial and deponent
- Saith that he saw said deed duly executed by the several
- Parties thereto and said memorial thereof duly executed by
- The above named Sophia Berry and Thomas Tomlinson
- And saith that the name Oliver Anselm Tibeaudo sub-
- Scribed as a witness to said deed and memorial is the proper
- Name and handwriting of this deponent and that he delivered
- Said deed and memorial thereof to Walter Glascock Esquire
- Assistant Register on the twenty sixth day of June instant
- At or about the hours of three o’clock in the afternoon of s[ai]d day at the Reg[istrar]s
- Office Kings Inn’s Dublin Oliver Anselm Tibeaudo Sworn before me this 26th day of June 1837