Letter from the Bishop of Columbia to Dean Edward Cridge 14 February 1873
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[1] Copy
[2] Bishops Close Feb 14 1873
[3] My dear W. Dean
[4] It is my intention to
[5] hold an ordination at the Cathedral
[6] on Sunday morning Mar 9 at
[7] 11 o’clock.
[8] In the performance
[9] of an episcopal act, such as this, it is
[10] the will for the Bishop to name the
[11] sole responsibility as to the order of
[12] service, to assign to the various
[13] clergy whom in associates with
[14] him on the occasion. the part they
[15] are respecting to take, and to
[16] appoint the preacher. The Incum-
[17] bent of this church has not
[18] necessarily by virtue of his position
[19] as Rector any responsibility in
[20] these our arrangements.
[21] In giving you notice
[22] of the ordination I name these
[23] matters lest there should be any
[24] misunderstanding.
[25] I hope I need not
[26] add that I shall be glad for you
[27] to take part in the proceedings.
[28] I am &c
[29] G. Columbia
[30] The Ven[erable] Rev[erend]
[31] Dean Cridge