Letter from Archdeacon Woods to Robert Tomlinson 31 October 1871
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[1] Letter from Archdeacon Woods to
[2] Revd Robt Tomlinson
[3] (Copy)
[5] Kincolith
[6] October 31/71
[7] My dear Mr. Tomlinson
[8] I am so little able to
[9] reconcile your disinclination to seek the order
[10] of Priesthood at the hands of the Bishop
[11] with the rules laid down by the C.M.S. for
[12] the guidance of Missionaries supported by
[13] that society and with the Spirit of “Appendix
[14] II to the thirty ninth report” and further
[15] this disinclination seems to me so much
[16] at Variance with the order of the Church
[17] of England and the teachings of the Holy
[18] Scripture that I may fear lest I may not
[19] have rightly apprehended the reason you
[20] have given me. Viva Voce, for this disinclination.
[21] It would be a great satisfaction to me if
[22] you would put in writing the reasons
[23] which led you to come to what I
[24] cannot help thinking a false conclusion
[25] and are most hurtful to the Mission work
[26] in this locality
[27] Believe me
[28] Faithfully yours in Christ
[29] Charles Woods
[30] Archdeacon of Columbia
[31] Rev. Robert Tomlinson B.A.
[32] Kincolith