Robert Tomlinson Annual Letter 1875
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[1] Annual letter
[2] Kincolith Mission 1875
[3] Reverend and dear Sirs
[4] The time has again arrived when I am called on to
[5] review the events of another year. Towards the end of
[6] January at the earnest ^request^ of one of the Chiefs of the Kitlacdaemix
[7] a village about forty five miles higher up the Nass River
[8] I sent up a native teacher who resided at this chief’s
[9] house for about six weeks until the people the
[10] village up for the Nass Fishery. Though few besides
[11] those in the house attend daily school, several used
[12] to join them at evening family prayer and twice
[13] every Sunday at the house was well filled.
[14] After the Baptisms at Metlakatla I did not return
[15] with the rest to Kincolith, but early in February visited
[16] Victoria to endeavour to interest the Indian Department
[17] and the Local Government to take some steps for the
[18] benefit of the Kitikshean tribes. How God has blessed
[19] my humble efforts for the benefit of these poor people
[20] you will gather from a brief account, which I sent
[21] you.
[22] Almost immediately up after my return from Victoria in
[23] March Mrs. Tomlinson was attacked with Typhoid Fever
[24] even in this affliction we could see the hand of our Heavenly
[25] Father for had she been laid up during my absence it
[26] might have proved very serious.
[27] During the fishing season at Nass this year, Those from
[28] Kincolith insisted on occupying a separate camp as
[29] heretofore, were surrounded by a large number from
[30] all the different villages and I had grave fears lest
[31] such a sudden influx might interfere with that order
[32] and quiet which for two former occasions had been
[33] maintained. In this I was mistaken and I am happy
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[1] to be able to report that as a body the [chris]tians from Kincoith, with
[2] by their teaching and conduct exerted such an influence for
[3] good that on the Sabbath, instead of the din of work and the
[4] medicine man’s rattle All was quietness and peace. Nor
[5] did their influence altogether cease when the fishing season
[6] was over. frequently during the summer and autumn, several
[7] of them would form a party and visit the Nass Villages and
[8] hold services in one of the Chief’s houses, lent them for the
[9] purpose. The number attending these services steadily increased
[10] during the year.
[11] Brother Duncan had arranged to hold an examination of
[12] the Catechumens of both missions in the summer. This
[13] arrangement was interrupted by brother Duncan‘s visit
[14] to Ottawa and the examination was postponed to
[15] October. In September it was thought advisable for many reasons
[16] that Mrs. Tomlinson should pay a short visit to her family
[17] whom she had not seen for several years. Just as she was about
[18] to leave Victoria on her to return to Kincolith. both the children
[19] caught the measles which delayed her return till after the
[20] new year. Owing to her absence from home I was unable
[21] to visit Metlakatla in October and so the examination
[22] was again postponed.
[23] A little before [Chris]tmas the village council met and it was
[24] decided to supplement the work carried on at Nass during
[25] the year, by an invitation to all the Chiefs. those who had
[26] attended the services which had been held. and a few of others
[27] who are known to be favourably inclined to the truth. to
[28] spend the [Chris]tmas with us. Through the weather was very
[29] severe and the ice bad. Nearly thirty accepted our invitation
[30] including five chiefs and among them one who a little
[31] more than a year ago sided with those most opposed to us.
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[1] they remained with us nearly three weeks and before they left
[2] they expressed their regret that they have been so long opposed
[3] or indifferent to the truth and promise to act differently
[4] in the future.
[5] I am happy also to be able to inform you that after
[6] three years direct opposition to school teaching the
[7] Nishkah are beginning to open their eyes to the folly
[8] of such conduct and several have sent their children
[9] to school and when the river opens we look for a much
[10] larger number.
[11] As regard to the village. though there has been but a
[12] small increase in our numbers during the year there
[13] have been visible improvements in the bodily health
[14] and moral character of the settlers.
[15] In closing this short sketch of the mission during
[16] the year now past. I feel we have much cause for thankfulness
[17] especially when we contrast the peace and order among
[18] us with the drunkenness and quarrels of those tribes who
[19] have not yet come under the influence of the Gospel.
[20] With the earnest request that you will continue
[21] to pray for us.
[22] Believe me
[23] Yours very sincerely and respectfully
[24] Robert Tomlinson