Letter RT to Bishop 01 March 1873
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[1] (Copy No 3)
[2] Victoria
[3] March 1st 1873
[4] My dear lord Bishop
[5] In your letter to me of
[6] Feb 26 you very properly lay the blame
[7] of my not being ordained priest on my
[8] own shoulders and you do not even hint
[9] of other influence. Since then however
[10] I regret to learn that you have insin-
[11] uated that Dean Cridge was a party
[12] to it and that’s a stumbling block to me
[13] in the ministry. Now I wish to inform
[14] your Lordship that that step was taken
[15] solely on my own responsibility and
[16] not in accordance with the advice
[17] counsel or direction of Dean Cridge
[18] nay more my friendly relations with
[19] the Dean caused me my greatest
[20] grief at having to take the step.
[21] Whatever censure your Lordship may
[22] think the case worthy of. I trust
[23] that you will let me bear it and not
[24] lay the blame of my actions on anothers
[25] shoulders
[26] yours very obediently