Letter Robert Tomlinson to Bishop 24 Februrary 1873
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[1] (Copy) No 1
[2] Victoria
[3] Feb 24th 1873
[4] My dear Lord Bishop
[5] I have learned with deep regret
[6] that in the arrangements for the Ordination
[7] services and so the sermon to be preached
[8] you have determined to vary from the plan
[9] hitherto adopted by you viz. of conferring
[10] with the Cean of the Cathedral. and to make
[11] the arrangement entirely on your own
[12] responsibility and without regard to the
[13] sentiments of the Dean.
[14] However deeply I might have
[15] felt the slight cast on a valued and respected
[16] friend I should not have considered that
[17] such a circumstance could affect my actions
[18] were not from the significance it obtains
[19] in connection with the events. which occurred
[20] in the Cathedral on the day of consecration.
[21] Your lordship and all the clergy
[22] appointed to take part in the ordination
[23] proposed to be holden. were present on the
[24] occasion referred to. A sermon was preached
[25] enunciating doctrine and practice from
[26] which I entirely dissent. but neither yourself
[27] nor any of the clergy present (with the exception
[28] of the Dean) dissented it either then or since.
[29] On the contrary I have just heard from
[30] your own lips that there was no expression
[31] or teaching in that sermon of which you could
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[1] disapprove.
[2] Connecting then these facts with
[3] the position assumed by you regarding
[4] the appointment of the services and Preacher
[5] I feel that it beho[o]ves me to see clearly
[6] how I should act lest through indifference
[7] or ignorance I may give an impetus
[8] to the promulgation of teaching tending to
[9] Cloud the truth and cast a stumbling block
[10] in the way of the circulation of the pure simple
[11] Gospel.
[12] Had things been permitted to take
[13] their ordinary course the consent of the
[14] Dean (holding as he does the responsible
[15] position of Rector of the Cathedral Church)
[16] would have been a sufficient guarantee
[17] to me that nothing strange either in teaching
[18] or practice would be contemplated or attempted.
[19] But since your lordship has determined
[20] (whether rightly or wrongly I do not pretend
[21] to judge) to adopt a different course.
[22] I feel it to be my duty to withdraw
[23] from the ordination ended this way to
[24] enter my ^firm^ protest against Ritualistic
[25] doctrine and practice and to declare
[26] my close adherence to plain {Rubicut?}
[27] devices and simple Gospel doctrine accenting
[28] to the teachings of the church of England.