Letter Robert Tomlinson to Church Missionary Society 07 January 1874
Page 1
1. Kincolith
2. January 7/74
3. Dear sir
4. I herewith forward
5. the Account Current for
6. the year ending September 30th
7. 1873. I would also inform
8. you that I have drawn the
9. following drafts on the Society
10. No 45. Dated Victoria Feb 25th 1873
11. for £100.0.00
12. No 46. Dated Metlakatla Oct 9th 1873
13. for £250.0.00
14. No 47. Dated Kincolith Jan 6th 1874
15. All in favor of Very Revd E Cridge
Page 2
1. on account of North Pacific
2. Mission
3. Yours truly
4. Rob[er]t Tomlinson cl[er]k
5. To
6. Lay secretary
7. Church Missionary
8. Soc.