Letter Robert Tomlinson to Church Missionary Society 28 April 1877
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[1] April 28th 1877
[2] Reverend and Dear Sirs
[3] The enclosed papers will
[4] speak for themselves. Brother
[5] Duncan and myself will, please
[6] God, write to you fully on this
[7] and some other matters concerning
[8] with the mission. Meanwhile
[9] it is my wish, if you see fit
[10] and it is in accordance with your
[11] rules, that the enclosed statements
[12] should be forwarded through you
[13] to the ArchBishop of Canterbury
[14] that a decision may be had
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[1] in the case.
[2] Yours respectfully and
[3] Sincerely
[4] Yours
[5] Robt Tomlinson
[6] The secretaries of the
[7] Church Missionary Society
[8] P.S. Enclosed you will also find
[9] a letter from Hon[ourable] A.F. Pemberton
[10] for many years stipendiary magistrate
[11] and a member of the Executive Council
[12] and now a county court judge.
[13] The letter was sent without any
[14] solicitation on my part.
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[1] Revered and dear Sirs
[2] About six weeks ago B[isho]p Hills wrote to Mr.
[3] Duncan to say he was going to Metlakatla
[4] to hold a confirmation in August. When this was laid
[5] before the [Chris]tian {???} at Metlakatla. They wrote a
[6] respectful letter to B[isho]p Hills stating that they were not
[7] prepared to receive his ministration among them until
[8] he had shown that he was prepared to be reconciled to
[9] Mr. Cridge. The {???} did not call at Metlakatla
[10] last trip so brother Duncan has not yet had an opportunity
[11] to write to you on the subject. I would humbly request
[12] the propriety of postponing Mr. Hall’s departure from England
[13] until after the receipt of Mr. Duncan‘s letter.