Letter Robert Tomlinson to Mr. Wright of Church Missionary Society 28 February 1877
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[1] Kincolith
[2] Feb. 28th 1877
[3] My dear Mr. Wright
[4] Many thanks for your kind answer
[5] to my letter which reached me toward
[6] the end of September. While I feel it to be
[7] my duty to bring before the Society specially
[8] any opening for further work with which
[9] I may become acquainted, and to propose
[10] what I consider the best way of taking up
[11] some work. I hold it to be equally my
[12] duty to cheerfully carry out the suggestion
[13] of the Committee even when these do not
[14] exactly agree with my own proposal.
[15] Consequently after consultation with brother
[16] Duncan immediate steps were taken by
[17] sending to native teachers to visit the
[18] Kitiksheans and the result of that visit
[19] are so far very encouraging.
[20] But there is another matter referred to
[21] in your letter about which there ought to be
[22] no misunderstanding between the Committee
[23] and myself. I would gather from your
[24] letter that the Committee think that it
[25] is only on account of our unwillingness
[26] to compromise ourselves with the B[isho]p
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[1] of Columbia that has prevented me from taking
[2] Priest orders. and they have good ground for
[3] so thinking as I expressly informed you
[4] in 1874 that I visited Victoria for that
[5] purpose and was only hindered by the position
[6] addressed by the B[isho]p at that time.
[7] Since then however I have considered the
[8] matter more closely and the result of my
[9] deliberations may be summed up in a few
[10] words. I have no present intention of taking
[11] Priest orders at the hands of any B[isho]p. Such
[12] a decision may well cause you surprise and
[13] pain. It would me had I remained at home
[14] among the prejudices formalities and virtue
[15] of civilized life where as a matter of course
[16] every deacon (except from ignorance or moral
[17] defect) at the end of a year or two is priested.
[18] But what I would admire and probably
[19] adopt among the civilized where the ministered
[20] duties are clearly defined may not
[21] necessarily be the best among half civilized
[22] and heathen. Nor does your argument that
[23] there being no priest the people are debarred from
[24] partaking of the Lord supper weigh much
[25] with me. That among those situated as we
[26] are no one except a priest can administer
[27] the Lords supper. Would be to my much,
[28] putting
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[1] a human tradition above our Masters {???} command. I
[2] can find no scriptural authority for such a tradition, while
[3] the way the Sacrament was abated by the Corinthians
[4] appears to have been caused by the abuse of the liberty every
[5] body of [Chris]tians has to communicate.
[6] Among the seven first deacons or two remarkable
[7] men. Steven the protomartyr and one of the brightest lights
[8] of the early church. and Philip an active and earnest worker
[9] and yet we nowhere read that either of these aspired to the
[10] priestly office. May I have but grace in my humble office of
[11] deacon to follow their bright examples and live in accordance
[12] with the rules laid down for the guidance of deacons.
[13] I will be truly glad to welcome B[isho]p Bonipass. But I
[14] would not wish either you or him to be disappointed if he should
[15] find me and leave me only a deacon.
[16] Yours very sincerely
[17] Robt Tomlinson