Letter Robert Tomlinson to Mr. Hutchinson of Church Missionary Society 12 March 1877
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[1] Kincolith
[2] March 12th 1877
[3] Dear Mr. Hutchison
[4] Enclosed you will find the
[5] account current of the Kincolith
[6] mission. You will perceive I have
[7] added to the ordinary salary the
[8] sum of £30.0.0 thirty pounds on
[9] account of our three children.
[10] While Mrs. Tomlinson’s father was
[11] alive we never drew anything for
[12] any of the children. As, through
[13] fully aware of the society’s rule
[14] permitting a sum of £10.0.0 per child
[15] to be drawn each year, we felt
[16] that such a grant was only intended
[17] in cases where special expenses were
[18] incurred on account of the children.
[19] In our case these special expenses
[20] have hitherto in a great measure
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[1] been met by the gift of clothes &c.
[2] from Mrs. Tomlinson’s parents. By
[3] the decease of her father which happened
[4] last summer the circumstances of
[5] his family will be greatly altered
[6] and right they will have to exercise the
[7] greatest exercising at least till her
[8] only brother is in a position to help them.
[9] I would wish to advise you
[10] that I have drawn an order on you
[11] for the sum of £ 7.4.6 pound into
[12] my private account by Mrs. Maleker
[13] on Sept 14th 1874.
[14] Also a Draft No 56 Dated
[15] Kincolith March 12th 1877 to meet
[16] your draft on ^the secretary of the^ North Pacific Mission
[17] Dated Oct 20th 1875.
[18] Sincerely Yours
[19] Robt Tomlinson