Letter Robert Tomlinson to Church Missionary Society 10 May 1872
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[1] Metlakahtla
[2] May 10/72
[3] Reverend and Dear Sirs
[4] You will I fear feel
[5] disappointed that I am not
[6] sending you some account
[7] of the progress here of Kincolith but, if
[8] you will kindly bear with me
[9] a little longer. I will please
[10] God send you a full account of
[11] everything of Importance which
[12] has occurred from the date at
[13] which my last letter broke off.
[14] Since the Company have
[15] abandoned their post at Nass
[16] it is not too easy to commence
[17] frequently before we expect the
[18] “Otter” we hear that she has been
[19] up and is on her returns journey.
[20] We expect that she will
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[1] come up early next month and I will
[2] endeavour to have my letters at
[3] Metlakatla before we expect her
[4] so that they may be sure of going.
[5] What I wish to write about now
[6] is the necessity for some better
[7] house than that in which we are presently
[8] reside. We have now been in it almost
[9] almost 5 years. Not only is it inconveniently
[10] small for ourselves but we are
[11] materially hindered in our efforts
[12] to train the girls under our care.
[13] Mr. Duncan has often urged the
[14] matter in my consideration, but
[15] hitherto I have held back. Now
[16] however I no longer see any ground
[17] for holding back. The villages is
[18] daily showing signs of greater
[19] stability. the population is surely
[20] and steadily increasing and with
[21] God‘s continued blessings we may
[22] one day look for a pleasant
[23] village with some 20 or thirty houses.
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[1] I had just an opportunity
[2] of consulting brother Duncan. He
[3] agrees with me thoroughly and
[4] urges beginning at once.
[5] It is impossible very accurately
[6] to estimate the probable cost.
[7] I believe we will be able to erect
[8] a substantial house for £100
[9] which sum I would be glad if
[10] you assign to me for that purpose.
[11] I do not but think that it will be
[12] possible to furnish it for the £100
[13] I think it will probably cost another
[14] £50 to paint and furnish inside
[15] but I prefer only asking for the
[16] £100 now and leave the other over
[17] until we see how how far this sum will
[18] go. Mr. Duncan estimates the
[19] expense a little higher. If this
[20] meets with your approval may
[21] I beg of you kindly to let me know
[22] at an early date as our time
[23] for building soon passes over
[24] here.