Letter Robert Tomlinson to Church Missionary Society 24 November 1871
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[1] Kincolith
[2] Nass River B.C.
[3] Nov 24/71
[4] Reverend and Dear Sirs
[5] It is with no little
[6] regret I send the enclosed
[7] for I well know you have
[8] arduous work already without
[9] having to decipher such
[10] a scrawl. But the sudden
[11] severity ^of the weather^ which deprives me
[12] of an opportunity on which
[13] I had fully calculated
[14] must be my excuse
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[1] If I do not send it as it is
[2] in all probability I will
[3] not have another opportunity
[4] until next March. The
[5] information reaches but
[6] to Jan[uary] of this year but I
[7] please God send you the
[8] remainder whenever an
[9] opportunity offers
[10] Yours very sincerely
[11] Rob[er]t Tomlinson