Letter Robert Tomlinson to Mr. Fern of the Church Missionary Society received 14 December 1880
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[1] St James Vicarage
[2] Dublin
[3] My dear Mr. Fern
[4] In the report of the
[5] subcommittee there was
[6] one passage which seemed
[7] to convey a different idea
[8] from what I intended.
[9] The passage I refer to
[10] is this effect “Mr. Tomlinson
[11] proposes to acquire for the
[12] Society one square mile of
[13] land“ What I had intended
[14] the committee to understand
[15] was that I proposed to acquire
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[1] in conjunction with my
[2] brother in law one square
[3] mile of land and as soon
[4] as I {???} the little to it
[5] donate to the Society out of
[6] my share of that land
[7] the ground on which were
[8] the mission buildings and
[9] some forty acres around
[10] them. This was to be done
[11] without expense to the Society.
[12] If whatever you wish me
[13] to acquire the whole square mile
[14] for the society. I am
[15] {???} content that it should
[16] be 20 only I do not think
[17] it would be fair for me
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[1] to have to pay out ^of^ my
[2] pocket for acquiring land
[3] which will be the Society’s
[4] property at their
[5] absolute disposal. Will
[6] you please let me know
[7] what you think and if
[8] you wish the land taken
[9] up for the Society. how far what
[10] amount the Soc I would be justified
[11] in expending an account of
[12] the Society in acquiring this
[13] square mile. I had not
[14] an opportunity of consulting
[15] you while in London but
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[1] have spoken to Mr. Gray
[2] about it.
[3] Though I have been
[4] privileged to see the {???}
[5] of the subcommittee
[6] I have not received a copy
[7] of the minutes passed by
[8] the General Committee
[9] when that report was passed
[10] would you kindly enclose
[11] a copy when you answer.
[12] I hope you will excuse
[13] me for not writing more in detail
[14] but I am hurried and yet
[15] do not wish so miss another post
[16] Ever yours Very sincerely
[17] Robt Tomlinson