Robert Tomlinson Report of the Ankihtlast Mission Station since his return from Europe
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[1] Report of the Ankihtlast Mission
[2] Station since the return of the
[3] Revd R. Tomlinson from Europe
[4] On my arrival at Victoria I waited on the
[5] head of the Lands & Works department to
[6] learn what steps were necessary to be taken
[7] to acquire for the Society the piece of land
[8] at Ankihtlast on which the mission buildings
[9] have been erected. I was informed by him
[10] that owing to differences, still unsettled,
[11] between the Provincial and Dominion
[12] Governments on the Indian Land question
[13] some delay and much difficulty would attend
[14] the attempt to obtain immediate possession
[15] and as there seems to be no probability of our
[16] being disturbed in possession at present I
[17] have determined to await the settlement
[18] of the questions pending between the two
[19] Governments and hope to have an opportunity
[20] in the meantime of consulting in person the
[21] Indian Land Commissioner on the subject
[22] On April 12th I reached Ankihtlast
[23] and since then I have been enabled to complete
[24] arrangements with Mr. Woods whereby he
[25] has taken up by preemption 320 acres of
[26] lands immediately adjoining the Mission
[27] lot, which I will assist him in farming
[28] in accordance with the scheme laid before
[29] and approved by the committee. Since
[30] my return Mr. Woods had visited Victoria
[31] where he was married and has returned
[32] to his post with one whom we trust will
[33] prove not only a help meet to him but a
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[1] blessing to the Mission.
[2] The past winter was not so severe as the proceeding one
[3] and the Summer opened some weeks earlier than last
[4] The farming prospects are very fair though of
[5] course my absence and the uncertainty whether
[6] the mission would be carried on precluded any
[7] preparations being made or seed purchased
[8] last Autumn so that we have only about three
[9] acres under crops. We hope to be able to get a
[10] few head of stock before the winter an
[11] Mr. Woods brought some pigs with him on his
[12] return from Victoria. Nor are the Indians
[13] altogether indifferent to our the benefits they will
[14] derive from our agricultural scheme. Already
[15] I have been privileged to mark off a piece of
[16] land for one of our settlers who has determined
[17] to try his hand at farming and has made
[18] a very good beginning.
[19] On July 1st which is the anniversary of our
[20] settling at Ankihtlast and is observed as a
[21] sort of fete day quite a number were present
[22] though no invitations had been sent. The B[isho]p
[23] who had kindly arranged to be present addressed
[24] them in cheering and instructive words before his
[25] departure. Any who have lately joined us are
[26] enrolled on this day. Seven came forward to
[27] have their names set down and declared
[28] their determination to give up all heathen and
[29] immoral practices and to endeavor to walk
[30] in God’s way looking for his guidance and help
[31] This is but a brief and concise report and truly we may say
[32] it is the day of small things but God grant this it may prove
[33] but the beginning of a {???} change in the lives of these poor
[34] Indians which will prove a permanent blessing both spiritually
[35] and temporally to them.
[36] Robert Tomlinson