Copy of letter from Robert Tomlinson to JW Trutch applying for a site for Mission Buildings and a reserve
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[1] Letter from Revd R Tomlinson to Hon[ourable]
[2] J.W. Trutch. applying for a site
[3] for Mission Buildings and a reserve
[4] (Copy) Kincolith
[5] June 13th 1869
[6] Sir
[7] A Mission has been opened
[8] for the benefit of the tribes living on
[9] the Nass river and a Mission settlement
[10] has been formed and Mission buildings
[11] erected at Kincolith which lies at the
[12] mouth of the Nass river on the Northern
[13] bank. As the Missionary in charge of
[14] this station I beg to apply for a grant
[15] of a piece of ground for building
[16] purposes to be held in trust by the
[17] Government for the Church Missionary
[18] Society. this piece of ground on which
[19] the Mission buildings have been erected
[20] is triangular. The vertex of the triangle is
[21] formed by the junction of the sea and
[22] Kincolith [Nass?] river the back by a line drawn
[23] from the Mission premises on the sea shore
[24] so as to form an Isosceles triangle. The total
[25] area at low water is about 4 acres at high
[26] water about 3 acres.
[27] I would also apply for a reserve to be
[28] appropriated for the benefit of those
[29] Indians who have already or may
[30] hereafter settle at this Mission Station.
[31] I am
[32] Sir
[33] Yours obedient
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[1] servant
[2] Robert Tomlinson Cl[er]k