Letter from Mr. Trutch to Robert Tomlinson 26 October 1869
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[1] Letter from Mr. Trutch to Revd R. Tomlinson
[2] Copy
[3] Lands & Work Office
[4] Victoria 26th Oct. 1869
[5] Sir
[6] Your letter handed to me at
[7] Kincolith on 14th of June last was
[8] duly submitted for the consideration of
[9] his Excellency the Governor who has been
[10] pleased to authorize me to secure to
[11] Church Missionary Society a right to
[12] the use of the piece of the ground at
[13] Kincolith about 3 acres in extent as
[14] described in your said letter for the
[15] purpose of a Mission station.
[16] It is not deemed advisable to make any
[17] further free grants of land in this Colony
[18] to religious bodies but a lease of the land
[19] you apply for will be made to whom
[20] ever among be properly appointed an agent
[21] in this Colony for the Church Missionary
[22] Society for a period of seven years & for
[23] such further period as the Governor
[24] may find himself empowered to grant
[25] at the nominal rent of ($1000) Ten dollar
[26] per annum in trust for the Mission
[27] purposes of the society. The reservation you
[28] recommended of land around Kincolith for
[29] the use of the Indians resident there on
[30] has been established by notice in the Government
[31] Gazette, a copy of which I enclose for your
[32] information. I regret that having left
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[1] Victoria with the Governor for the interior
[2] of the Colony a few days after the
[3] above decision on this matter now
[4] communicated to me. I have been unable
[5] to write you an earlier reply to your application.
[6] I have now to request you to furnish me
[7] with an exact map as practicable of
[8] the ground you wish conveyed to your
[9] Society to be appended to the Lease
[10] and to inform me to whom as agent
[11] for the society such Lease should be made.
[12] I have the honor to be
[13] Sir
[14] Yours obedient servant
[15] Joseph Trutch